Agricultural Loans

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gricultural finance we finance activities in the entire agriculture value chain. This loan is designed to finance business activities in agricultural crop production like Rice growing, coffee growing, and animal products like poultry, piggery projects, and diary. The loan period and repayment plan are flexible dependants on the nature and season of agricultural activity to be financed.
An example of agricultural crop production that we fund under Agricultural finance is Rice growing. Women play a major role in the rice value chain especially the on-farm production aspects. Women do field opening and clearance, planting, weeding, harvesting, and bird scaring. However, due to gender imbalance, the proceeds from rice sales sometimes do not trickle down to women who have labored in the production process. But all in all Rice growing has greatly increased rural incomes and food security among women and thus increasing urban food supplies. under Agricultural Loans we support a number of activities as shown…..


  • Payments are flexible. It depends on the nature and season of the agriculture activity to be
  • The minimum loan amounts are Ugx 400,000.
  • The loan period for working capital is 12months
  • Payments from other sources of income are allowed.
  • Faster loan processing
  • Multiple disbursements offered to accommodate different stages of production