Water Harvesting loan

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Rainwater harvesting is a new product that has just been launched before the COVID-19 hit. It is ideal to both urban and rural people who are in dare need of qualitative and quantitative domestic water. The product is set to provide a credit for plastic rainwater storage tanks to urban and rural poor. Mr. Walakira Francis the first beneficiary of the water harvesting product has this to say, “With or without piped water my family is now assured of constant water supply. This burdens my family especially my wife from fetching water.” The product is able to address poverty by reaching out to the low income rural and urban population by addressing water needs hence the health and sanitation needs which in turn would be a cause of poverty due to diseases. With the availability of ready water, households will allocate the time formerly spent in long distances treks to fetch water to income-generating and other needful activities like education.

  • • Customers have greater choice in the asset. We offer a range of selections when it comes to brand and price
  • Customers have a choice to choose who and where to pick the tank to be financed
  • Partnering with suppliers and Agents who supply the asset.
  • Terms are transparent and do allow for easy comparisons
  • Offer warranties. This allows customers to access after-sales service to keep their asset in good working condition (and the repayments flowing)
  • Insurance of an asset-means the client is not reliable to debt on an asset in case dies or becomes incapacitated.
  •  The product is less risky for low-income borrowers since its collateral itself.
    We offer more flexible alternatives. We structure our financing options that cater to different risk preferences.
  • Customers are ready to pay for an asset they are ready to use Focus on sustainability.
  • We manage risk in asset finance and figure out how to give customers what they want in a sustainable manner.
  • It allows customers to match repayments to their cash flows.