Business Model

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Most groups are composed of women


Rural poverty is complex, and there is no single solution to the problems that are faced by both rural and urban poor. That is why Justa Micro credit limited takes a holistic, long term approach. We develop and also offer innovative products and services that help our financial institution expand and reach out to many poor people and then contribute to the fight against poverty. Products and services offered are mainly loans and collateral savings. The model we use is group lending and individual.

Why group lending

Group lending is favored because we are able to reach out to the large population of the poor and also eradicate poverty. The group lending is designed for poor people who wish to access financial services but lack substantial collateral and guarantor. These are organized into small groups of 10-15 members mainly women.

The group is mainly driven by less –educated women compared to a lesser percentage for highly educated women under individual lending. Under the group model, all the processes from training, Group formation, account opening, loan repayments are all done from the field except loan disbursement. This cuts on customer’s expenses such as transport to Justa micro-credit offices. Therefore, the group product improves service delivery, by bringing financial service closer to the customers, in a bid to bring financial inclusion for all.