Mission & Vision

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JUSTA Micro-Credit Limited  reaches out to its target market through referrals mostly from the satisfied customers themselves. JMC utilizes radio adverts and social media and community meetings to reach audiences in several areas around Uganda. JMC expects to maximize other channels of marketing and advertisement like online marketing and web-site among others as the organization expands.

To be the preferred financial service provider of microfinance services that yield sustainable income to provide better lives among women and youth.

To promote the economic, social and holistic transformation of our customers through the provision of quality microfinance services in a manner that improves household income and lifts the poor out of poverty.


We serve poor people. In everything we do, we place the poor first. We measure success in our ability to extend financial services to the poor and making them more prosperous and out of poverty. 

Core values that drive our work.

Integrity:   Is one of our core values. We do what we say, we are going to do.

Respect and Dignity:  At the heart of the service we offer, is the very simple act of treating every customer with respect and dignity and deliver greater customer service.

Professionalism: We are committed to serving our clients in a professional manner

Teamwork: We work as a team to achieve a common goal. “Together we build better lives” We care for team members like family.

Humble service:  We meet the poor at their homes and fields, and the poor are our customers, and we serve them with humility.

We serve poor people. In everything we do, we place the poor first. We measure success in our ability of extending financial services to the poor and making them more prosperous and out of poverty.